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Massachusettes State Compliance.



Massachusetts State has some tough assault weapon laws (Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024). It basically breaks down assault weapons into two categories. There is a "features" section which bans firearms due to features, and a banned by name section.

(1.)The features section states if a firearm has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine AND two of the following two features, it is considered an assault weapon.

The features are:

Folding or telescopic stock, Pistol grip or thumbhole stock

Forward grip, Threaded barrel, Handguard/shroud around the barrel

Using a properly attached CompMag removes the capacity to accept a detachable magazine which would then allow the rifle to have the features. Therefore, in Massachusetts, using a CompMag on any non-banned by name rifle would be allowed while keeping the listed features.

(2.)The banned by name section lists specific firearms as assault weapons, and includes any "copies or duplicates" of these firearms. Among them are:

Kalishnikov AK models, Action arms Uzi and Galil, Baretta AR70, Colt AR-15 models, FN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, SWD (M-10, M-11, M-11/9, M-12), Steyer AUG, Intratech (TEC-9,TEC-DC9, TEC-22), Street sweeper, rotating barrel shotguns.

These rifles and their copies or duplicates are not allowed. There is an exemption however. If a copy or duplicate is MANUFACTURED with out the ability to accept a detachable magazine (a permanently attached CompMag), it is not considered a copy or duplicate.

There may be some upcoming litigation under section 128A that may change the banned list. Please keep an eye out for this.

When using the CompMag for MA compliance we recommend using epoxy on the release hole cover to make it a permanent attachment like is done for New York compliance.

I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice, this is just the way I see it. Please refer to the Legal Analysis from Attorney Jason Guida attached below.

Thank you.