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How Does CompMag Work? CompMag Photos.

     What we have done at CompMag is found a way to help Californians comply with the states strict firearms laws. SB 880 and AB1135 passed in 2016 outlawing the bullet button that had allowed us to keep our firearms compliant. We needed a good solution to this problem. With the threat of having to register our firearms as "assault weapons" on the horizion, and after many long months of designing and testing, we finally we found a way. The CompMag.

     The CompMag is the ultimate fixed magazine solution for your firearm. Even though the magazine is fixed into the lower receiver, it still allows your firearm to be very easy to use. The CompMag can be loaded through a door in the side while still in your firearm. Loading is easier than with a standard magazine and there is no need to modify your firearm. The CompMag has an internal locking mechanism that locks into your firearm. Super easy installation. No holes to drill.  It can also be easily removed by opening the action and removing the magazine from the inside. This allows you to have your fully functional firearm back. This is useful if you are going out of state to shoot or you live in a state other than California.

    Having a fixed magazine allows you to retain all the other features that we love: a pistol grip, a retractable stock, a forward grip, a thumb hole stock, and a flash suppressor. The CompMag can also be used in other restrictive states. Check your local and state laws to see if the CompMag is right for you.

    Loading the CompMag couldn't be easier. 1. Retract the spring and lock it down. 2. Slide the loading door open. 3. Load the cartridges in. 4. Shut the door. 5. Release the spring. You are ready to fire.

Please check out the demo videos here: CompMag Demo Videos

    Enjoy Your CompMag!

Just Some Cool Photos of our CompMags.